St Bernadette's are taking part in Blackpool 30 Reading challenge!
Families in Blackpool are invited to take part in a reading challenge to read for 30 minutes a day for pleasure.
The ‘Blackpool 30 Challenge’ is for everyone regardless of age. The main message is that reading is fun and good for your wellbeing.
Follow the link for more information!
Blackpool have launched a new 30 minute reading initiative.
If you click on the latest news icon on the website, it will take you to the link. The initiative also provides opportunities for families to enter reading competitions to win book vouchers individually and school.
Prize 1 - £1000 of books for our school library – our school has signed up to the Blackpool 30 minute reading challenge and will be entered into a draw to win the prize.
Prize 2 – Best new reader - £100 voucher for books – Schools can nominate any child who has made significant progress in reading, when they were previously a reluctant reader. We will be nominating candidates.
Prize 3 – Most prolific reader - £100 voucher for books – Schools can nominate any child who has read for 30 mins a day, for at least 60 consecutive days. We will be forwarding more information next week so we are able to log participation
Prize 4 – Best family reading partnership - £100 voucher for books – Schools can nominate a family who has engaged in the inter-generational reading aspect of this challenge, by evidencing reading to each other within the family group, for 30 minutes a day, for at least 60 consecutive days. We will be forwarding more information, next week so we are able to log participation.
Prize 5 – Best class of readers - £500 of books for the class to share – Schools can nominate any class or form group that achieves a combined 50,000 minutes of reading by Christmas, evidenced through a class reading log.
Blackpool will award Prizes at the start of the next school term.