Year 4 Learning
Click on the links below to view documents of what the children will be learning.
Year 4 Documents
Useful website links – click the icons to be redirected to the websites |
Maths Frame – Multiplication Check Quiz (recommended settings) |
Year 4 2024-2025
Spring 2025
Dandelion Puffs: Make a Wish
It was time to update our art board so, in readiness for Spring, new beginnings and wishes, Year 4 have created these water-colour dandelion puffs pieces of art. We used a wet-on-wet approach to apply liquid colours and watched as the wax resistant repelled the liquid.
Fit2GO: Blackpool Football Community Club
Year 4 dived right in this week learning about healthy foods, food groups and the Eat Well plate. BFCCT made the session much more entertaining by bringing along their oversized posters for children to work in groups to sort the foods.
Autumn 2024
Lil’ Christmas Fun!
One of the children were let loose with a camera to capture some of our last moments before Christmas. They did a brilliant job capturing children creating their Christmas hats and having happy and joyful moments with their friends.
Annual Elf Run 2024!
Here is a small collection of images from Year 4’s Elf Run. It was lovely seeing the little elves fully participate in this run to raise fund for Brian House! Well done, Year 4.
Mechanical Systems: Levers and Linkages
Check out our final designs for our D.T unit on levers and linkages.
Year 4 have practised making a small collection of mechanical systems using card and split pins. They have learnt about pivots, levers and bridges to and how to combine them to make simple moving pictures.
Art inspired by The Firework-Maker’s Daughter
Year 4 have been inspired by The Firework-Maker’s Daughter to create these amazing depictions of Razvani’s Lair. The children have used their sketching and shading skills to apply tone and texture to an drawing using a range of mediums.
Science: States of Matter
So far, in this unit, Year 4 have learnt about:
- Different states of matter through role-play. Children acted as molecules to understand about the properties of different states of matter; solids, liquids and gasses