Year 3 Documents
Useful website links – click the icons to be redirected to the websites |
Maths Frame – Multiplication Check Quiz (recommended settings) |
Year 3: 2024 - 2025
Wonderful Wacky Hair Day - 'THE BEST DAY AT SCHOOL EVER!'
What a fantastic day we had for Wonderful Wacky Hair Day in support of Children's Mental Health Week! It was so great to see all of the children getting involved and the creativity was amazing. In the morning, we enjoyed a range of activities such as lego challenges, making friendship bracelets and origami. In the afternoon, we enjoyed some 'laughter yoga' and then we got comfy on the carpet to watch Toy Story. The day was also filled with lots of singing and dancing. A wonderful day for the staff and children to remember.
Year 3 Wonderful Wacky Hair Day
Investigating Rocks
As part of our science topic 'Rocks and Soils' we investigated the properties of different types of rocks. We investigated whether or not they eroded with vinegar, if they were hard or soft, permeable to water and whether they sink or float.
Y3 Investigating Rocks
Y3 have been enjoying gymnastics in PE this half term. Here are some pictures of our balances.
Y3 Gymnastics
Christmas Dinner
Some pictures of Year 3 tucking into their Christmas dinners. I think it is fair to say it was enjoyed by all!
Y3 Christmas Dinner
Elf Run 2024
Well done to all of the children for completing the Elf Run. The children looked brilliant and had lots of fun while raising money for Brian House.
Y3 Elf Run
Sports for Champions
We were very lucky to be visited by Olympic athlete James Dasaolu. He spoke to the children in assembly about his career as an athlete and showed the children some of his drills. Afterwards, each class took part in their sponsored circuits. The children had so much fun and were very inspired! We might have some future Olympians!
Y3 Sports for Champions
Outdoor Learning 2
We had lots more fun in our outdoor learning this week! We used natural materials to create the Eatwell Plate we have been learning about in science and created a timeline of the Victorian Era.
Y3 Outdoor Learning 2
Remembrance Day
We created some poppy wreathes for Remembrance Day and placed them in our prayer garden and had a quiet moment to remember those that we have lost and to pray for people all over the world that are not at peace. Well done to Erin and Lucy for a reading our prayer in our Remembrance service.
Y3 Remembrance
Outdoor Learning 1
Linking in with our science topic, in our first outdoor learning session we used items that we found outside like twigs and leaves to create animal skeletons. The children were very creative and enjoyed identifying the bones. Some children helped Mrs Brown fill our planter with new compost and planted some bulbs, there was a game of 'The Floor is Lava', broomsticks and a funeral for a worm.
Y3 Outdoor Learning 1
Geography - Locating the UK
We reminded ourselves of the 7 continents that make up the Earth. We then identified where we lived on a map. Using atlases, we located the countries that make up the UK and their capital cities.
Y3 Geography - Locating the UK
Computing - Networks
We have been learning about Computer Systems and Networks in our Computing lessons. We made a human network that included desktop computers, a switch, server and a wireless access point.
Y3 Computing - Networks