Year 2 Documents


Useful Website Links

Sooper Books - YouTube

New Year - EducationCity

Little Wandle Phonics - Cupernham Infant School

Spelling Frame - Latest Blogs - St Clement Danes Church of England Primary  School

Maths Games for KS2: designed by a teacher for teachers - Mathsframe

PRODIGY MATH GAME GRADES 1-8 – Early Childhood Readiness – Jefferson-Morgan  Elementary School

Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars

Rowena Dale (rcdale70) - Profile | Pinterest



Little Wandle Phonics

Why learning to read is so important

  • Reading is essential for all subject areas and improves life chances.
  • Positive attitudes to reading and choosing to read have academic, social and emotional benefits for children.


How children learn to read

  • Phonics is the only route to decoding.
  • Learning to say the phonic sounds.
  • By blending phonic sounds to read words.
  • Increasing the child’s fluency in reading sounds, words and books.


Reading fully decodable books

  • Children must read books consistent with their phonic knowledge.
  • It is essential not to use other strategies to work out words (including guessing words, deducing meaning from pictures, grammar, context clues or whole word recognition).  
  • Books must be fully decodable and follow the Little Wandle scheme
  • Children need to read books in a progressive sequence until they can decode unfamiliar words confidently.


The role of Parents’ and Carers’ 

  • Have a positive impact on their child’s reading.
  • Should model the importance of reading practice to develop fluency.
  • Children take home books they have read at school to re-read at home to build fluency.
  • There are two different types of books that pupils bring home: reading practice and books to share for pleasure.
  • Reading at home encourages a love of books, along with developing vocabulary and discussion.
  • Parents should use voices, expression, discuss unfamiliar vocabulary, talk about the pictures, and predict what might happen next.
  • Give positive yet informative feedback in the home reading diary at least 3 times a week


Supporting your child with reading

Although your child will be taught to read at school, you can have a huge impact on their reading journey by continuing their practice at home.

 There are two types of reading book that your child may bring home:

A reading practice book.

This will be at the correct phonic stage for your child. They should be able to read this fluently and independently.

 A sharing book.  Your child will not be able to read this on their own. This book is for you both to read and enjoy together.


Reading practice book

This book has been carefully matched to your child’s current reading level. If your child is reading it with little help, please don’t worry that it’s too easy – your child needs to develop fluency and confidence in reading.

Listen to them read the book. Remember to give them lots of praise – celebrate their success! If they can’t read a word, read it to them. After they have finished, talk about the book together.


Sharing book

In order to encourage your child to become a lifelong reader, it is important that they learn to read for pleasure. The sharing book is a book they have chosen for you to enjoy together.

Please remember that you shouldn’t expect your child to read this alone. Read it to or with them. Discuss the pictures, enjoy the story, predict what might happen next, use different voices for the characters, explore the facts in a non-fiction book. The main thing is that you have fun!

Programme Overview

Resources for Home

Handwriting and Pronunciation

Year 2 2024-2025

Autumn Term


Merry Christmas and Thank You

I just want to say a massive personal thank you for all the kind words, cards and gifts. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2025. And to finish, a line from my favourite film 'The Sound of Music'...

"When the Lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window."

Mrs KP xxx

Y2 Reindeers





Christmas Dinner

Lunch today was delicious! What better way to finish the term than with our fabulous reindeert hats and a Christmas Dinner followed by chocolate "squirly roll thing" (Thanks Ben for the description) 

Y2 Christmas Dinner






Elf Run 2024

We braved the rain and wind for our annual Elf Run. It was really good fun and thank you to Y6 for the activities as we ran!

Y2 Elf Run 2024
































Story Time with Jackson

Jackson was very excited to hear at story with Mr Vincent where the main character was also called Jackson! Bailey then gifted the book to Jackson and we were lucky enough that Jackson read the story to us. Thank you Jackson.

y2 Story time with Jackson





Mr Vincent & Beautiful Bailey

After 8 weeks of sessions, we finished today with the ending of George's Marvellous Medicine and had our picture with Mr Vincent and Bailey.

Y2 Mr V & Bailey








Born in a Barn

What a performance! The children have worked so hard to learn their lines, the songs and dances and it really showed. Thank you to family for helping with the line-learning at home and an extra THANK YOU to Mrs King for her hard work with all the costumes!

Y2 Born in a Barn




















































































Art - Cotinuous Line Drawing 

We challanged ourselves to draw an object in 5 minutes usiing the continuous line drawing technique. We each had different object and after our first draw, we walked around the class gallery and commented on the artwork of the class. Then we had another go so we could improve our skills!

Y2 - Art Continuous Line Drawing






























Wow! What a brilliant disco - thanks to Mr H for the tunes and the we enjoyed dancing, playing party games and eating snacks! Here are just a few photos of the party of the year!

Y2 Disco

















Art - Creating a collage

We used digital photographs to create a collage. There are no wrong answers in art and so we were able to choose our own pictures and composition. It's all about our artistic preferences and personal choice!


Y2 Art - compositions









Computing - evaluating our photos

After taking photographs outside in our last session, we spent time today evaluating some and looking for ways in which we could improve them, or what we would do differently if we took a similar picture.

Y2 Computing - Evaluating












We had a visit from the school nurse team this week who gave us some reminders about when and how we should wash our hands. We listened to a story and then recalled the 5 times we MUST wash our hands:

1. Before we eat

2. After we have been to the toilet

3. When we have touched a pet or animal

4. After we have played outside/in messy activities

5. After you sneeze

We then talked about sneezing and the importance of catching them! After this we completed an activity with glitter which demonstrated how easy germs can spread if we don't wash our hands. Once we were covered with glitter germs (and so was the classroom!) the nurses taught us how to wash our hands in the most effective way to remove as many of those germs as we could!

Y2 Handwashing






























Advent Promises

As we enter into the time of Advent, we have taken time to think about and make some promises. After writing them on our promise dove, we were then able to place them on the Christmas tree in the school hall.

Y2 Advent Promises

























PE, PE and more PE

We have been improving each PE session and impressing Mr Williams with our skills! He has had to make activities a bit more tricky for us so we can excel! We always end a session with cool down and when we are inside, we can do some yoga.Check it out!























Sorry we haven't added to this in a while but we have been very busy rehearsing for our Christmas Performances. We cannot wait to show you!


James Dasaolu

Wow! What an inspiration to us all. It was brilliant to have James visit our school and share his story in a special assembly - including doing a standing jump onto the gymnastics horse! We then took part in our sponsored events. Mrs Mc even got involved!

Y2 Sports Champion
























Remembrance - a reflection


"Look at the poppy in your hand.

Poppies are bright and cheerful flowers: say thank you to God for the lives of those who have died in war, remembering all the joy they brought to families and friends, and all the good things they did for their home and their country.

Then look at the red petals: red reminds us of danger and harm. Ask God to be close to those who are still facing danger each day, to give courage to the armed forces, and compassion to all who help others. 

Place your hand over the poppy: poppies are also fragile and need to be handled gently. God cares for those who are hurting and those who are sad. Ask God to comfort all who are grieving the loss of someone they love. 

Finally place a finger on the centre of the poppy: ask God to help you play your part in working for peace in the world."

Y2 Remembrance
























Eat Well Move More

Today was our celebration session where we got the chance to dance and play party games! All glow-in-the-dark!!!! We were all very excited to see Mr Silcock too! We had a lot of fun, as you can see... 

Y2 Eat Well Move More Celebration




























RE - Zechariah and the temple

Today we learnt about the message that Zechariah received from the Angel Gabriel about the birth of his son. As Zechariah did not believe the Angel, he was unable to speak again until what he had said came true. We imagined Zechariah explaining to Elizabeth what had happened in the Temple and how he would be able to communicate the message without words.

Y2 RE Zechariah
















Homework - Favourite Blackpool places

To end this half term, we celebrated our homework pieces by having a 'show & tell' session. We were able to look at all the work everyone had done as well as talk about their pictures, drawing and models. Some of us were brave enough to come to the front to talk about their favourite place in front of the whole class. Well done to everyone who took part.

Y2 Blackpool Homework





















Wow! What a day. We were not going to let the rain dampen our spirits as we set off on our trip! After walking up Red Bank Road to the promenade, we caught the tram into Blackpool. On arrival at the Showtown Museum, we were introduced to Steph, Snappy, Seagull and Donkey and learnt all about the History of Blackpool and looked at some artefacts. Then we split off into groups to take part in the different activities. The workshop allowed us to discuss life by the seaside and the similarities and differences between then and now. We also used our senses to explore the seaside - the feely bags had things like seashells and feathers in and the scent bottles included the smell on sun cream and... donkey poo!! Then we looked at clothing through the ages and swimming costumes before having the chance to try some outfits on. 

Around the museum we explored the seaside by taking snaps, reading fortunes and having a go at performing our own Punch and Judy show. The ringmaster put us through our paces, training us to be circus performers and then we designed our own illumination displays as well! A jam-packed time had by all, so we were ready for our lunch on the comedy carpet before heading home again by tram. We had a fab day learning about our home town. 

Y2 Showtown Trip
































































































RE - Baptism

Our recent focus in RE has been on baptism. We have looked at the meanings of signs and symbols associated with the rite of Baptism as well as the order of the service. In groups, we then acted out a Baptismal rite, using oil, water and following the script. Here are some pictures from one of the groups.

Y2 RE baptism


















PE - throwing and catching - lesson 6

This was our final session in the unit so we had to bring all of our skills together to take part in a series of activities. After our warm up, we had to complete a throwing and catching relay, a 'beat the runner' race and then a variation on 'Piggy in the middle'

We all worked really hard and have really improved.

Y2 PE Aut 1.6














Fire Brigade Talk

On Friday afternoon, we had a visit from Ben, Brian and Darren from Bispham Fire Station. They talked to us about fire safety, smoke alarms, as well as teaching us the technique of 'Stop, Drop & Roll' if we were ever unlucky enough to have our clothing catch fire. We then watched a video of Smokey, the Fire Brigade Teddy, who taught us about how to escape a fire and create a fire plan. We then acted out what we would do in such an event. We were given homework by the Fire Service, to check we have working smoke alarms in our homes and to create a family fire plan. 

Y2 Fire Brigade Talk





























Maths - comparing objects

This week we have been comparing objects using 'more than' and 'less than' to compare them. Today we used objects to make inequalities and statements true. We have linked the vocabulary with the mathematical symbols of > and < as well.

Y2 Maths comparing objects















Advent Wreath

This year the school is working on producing the Liturgical Year in Art form. We were given the Advent section and on Wednesday morning, half the class worked on the art project. We enjoyed being arty and added our own fingerprints to one of our candles so we have made our mark on St Bernadette's. We were really pleased with the end result. 

Y2 Advent Wreath






















On Wednesday morning, half the class went to Moor Park Sports Centre to take part in BFC's Fit2Glow competition. They had lots of fun and had to really concentrate when the lights went out and they all glowed!










Harvest Assembly

We could not be prouder of the children for how well they performed in our Harvest Assembly. They sat beautifully, spoke fantastically, sang incredibly and samba-ed to new heights! Thank you for the support you have given the children in practising words, making donations and for enjoying the assembly with us. 

Y2 Harvest Assembly
















Eat Well, Move More - Wk 5

Our practical session this week involved the parachute and we had to work as a team to roll the ball around the edge - it was very tricky!

Then we looked at healthy drinks that we can choose to have. We tried sugar free cordial, orange juice and smoothies but nothing beats a glass of water though!

Y2 Eat Well Move More Wk5
















PE - throwing and catching - lesson 5

This week we were working in teams to see if we could throw and catch the beanbag round our shape before the runner made it round! When we managed it with a beanbag, we then advanced to a ball! This week, we cooled down by doing some mindfulness looking. 

Y2 PE Aut 1.5



























Maths - 10s and 1s on a number line

This week we made a number line 0-100 using multiples of 10 and then looked for patterns and sequences on a 100 square. We then looked at 1s on the number line between two intervals and challenged our partner to label numbers we chose on a set of number lines.

Y2 Maths 10s and 1s on a number line



























Eat Well, Move More - Wk 4

For our actove session this week, we played relay games working in teams. Then we discussed the amount and size of the portions of different food types we should eat each day. After this, we designed a healthy lunch box and then took home an overnight oats sample pot to try!

Y2 Eat Well Move More Wk4










PE - throwing and catching - lesson 4

Working with Mr Williams on developing our throwing skills. We had to think about how we were standing, where we were aiming and our arm placement. 

Y2 PE Aut 1.4






























RE - Responses and Pledges 

In RE we have been discussing how we are stewards of God's world. We responded to the question, 'Why should we look after God's world?' and we then considered the problems are world is facing at the moment as well as some things we can do to help. We then made pledges, sharing what we could do at home to help show how we are being stewards.

Y2 RE responses and pledges






Happy Birthday!

As part of celebrating Nevaeh turning 7 today, Jackson learnt how to play 'Happy Birthday' on the bells for her. It was a lovely moment in class when he played it perfectly and then we all sang along too! 

Y2 Happy Birthday bells





English - A way home for wolf -Retelling the story

After the Whoosh yesterday, we retold the story by creating our own story maps.

Y2 English - Retelling the story of Wilf






English - A way home for wolf -WHOOSH

Today Mrs KP gave a retelling of the story we have been looking at using the WHOOSH technique. This meant that we all took part in the retelling, taking on different roles and recalling the key part and characters.

Y2 English Whoosh
































Phonics - Bridge to Spelling

We are working hard looking for patterns and spelling rules to help us in our writing. Today we were adding sound buttons, and looking at the connection between the short vowel sounds in the words and adding a /ck/ after it. 

Y2 Phonics







Eat Well, Move More Wk3

Our outdoor activity involved us being Fruits and Ninjas! After running off so much energy, we discussed healthy snacks that we could eat to recharge our energy levels. We talked about swapping our snacks for healthier choices, before trying popcorn, raisins,malt loaf, cheese and tomatoes!

Y2 Eat Well Move More Wk3




























Maths - flexible partitioning

We have been looking at partitioning numbers up to 100 into tens and ones so today we looked at other ways to partition the numbers, keeping the whole the same. We worked with our partners to each take a part of the whole!

Y2 Maths Flexible Partitioning






PE - throwing and catching lesson 3

Today, after our warm up we developed our teamwork through our activities as well as extending our throwing skills to work on our aim. 

Y2 PE Aut 1.3
























RE - Visiting Church

Today, we visited St Bernadette's Church with Year 4. As we entered onto the Church grounds, we reminded ourselves of church etiquette and how to be respectful and reverent at all times. We practised genuflecting as we faced the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle before entering our pew.  We were “prayerfully silent”, so that we could focus on praying and reflecting. We recalled responses and knelt on the kneeler as well as sharing the sign of peace with those around us. It was really enjoyable working alongside our Year 4 partners.  

Y2&Y4 Church Visit














Maths - Place Value

Lots and lots of work on place value this week, looking at the value of digits, writing numbers in digits and words. We were able to show numbers on the rekenreks and use base 10 to make them on place value charts!

Y2 Maths Place Value
















Eat Well, Move More Wk1

We began a 6 week programme which helps us to think about getting active and eating healthy. This week we played parachute games with Megan and then tried vegetables with Lottie. It was fair to say that some vegetables were a huge hit and some were not!

Y2 Eat Well Move More Wk1



































PE - throwing and catching

After a warm up, we began developing our throwing and catching skills this week. We extended this into using a racket too!

Y2 PE Aut 1.1






















Science - Animals and their offspring

This week we have been looking at different animals and seeing if we could match the adult to the offspring. Some were easy but some were quite tricky! We could then classify them by this to see if there was a link between this and the animal type. For example, we found that mammals have offspring that look like them but amphibians do not.

Y2 Science Sorting




















DT - Puppets

An amazing start to Y2 this week with everyone working hard on their creative skills to make different puppets. We looked at lots of different styles of puppets before making our own finger puppet. Then we designed a glove puppet from a design brief. We still have to finish those off but they are looking brilliant!

Y2 DT - puppets



















Year 2 2023-2024

The next chapter in your child's learning is underway...


Summer 2024


Mini-Projects: Summer

Another amazing round of mini-projects made by the Year 2 children! Check out some of their projects below.


































Brockholes Educational Visit

Year 2 had an amazing time at Brockholes, learning about a wide variety of minibeasts, exploring natural dens, pond dipping and bird spotting. It was a lovely day in the great outdoors with many experiences and opportunities taken.

Brockholes 2024_Year 2










































































Spring 2024

Just before Easter, Year 2, once again, explored the effects of using water colour paints and linked it into the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a reminder of the suffering that our Lord experienced on Good Friday; juxtaposed with the joy of his Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Well done, Year 2, for your amazing efforts.

Elmer Day

Check out Year 2’s amazing Elmer vests! The children were very excited to get to work putting their designs into practise and making their very own, one-of-a-kind Elmer vest.
