EYFS Guide for Parents

Welcome to EYFS

I recognise and appreciate that starting school is a big step for both you and your child so here at St. Bernadette’s we aim to make this a really happy and positive experience. 

We aim to provide high quality standards of education and care, alongside laying the sound foundations on which the children’s future learning depends. We have high expectations and aim to help all our children fulfill their full potential regardless of their gender, ethnicity or ability.

We aim to:
•    Create an environment in which children feel safe, happy, secure, valued and confident.
•    Provide well planned purposeful activities that stimulate and challenge the children.
•    Build on what children already know and can do.
•    Encourage the children to think and talk about their learning and develop independence.
•    Ensure that each child is given the opportunity to reach their full potential.
•    Invite parents to be involved in their children’s education.


Play underpins the delivery of all the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and the development and learning for young children. Child-initiated and planned play, both indoors and outdoors, is important as young children learn with enjoyment and learn many new skills from being involved in purposeful play.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum 2021


In the Foundation Stage your child will be taught under the governments Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. This helps to support children's learning, development and welfare from birth to the age of five. From September 2021, there is a new statutory EYFS framework and to support your understanding of the changes please click on the link provided. Early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework - GOV.UK


At St Bernadette’s the development of our EYFS curriculum is an ongoing process of planning, reflecting and adapting- enhanced by continued professional development. Whilst flexible and ever-changing to meet the needs of our children, our curriculum is underpinned by our Catholic faith and our desire that it should do the following:

  • ensure that children know God and understand that they are part of His family and that they are familiar with the life and teachings of Jesus
  • recognise that our children have different backgrounds, varying prior educational and cultural experiences and a range of abilities and interests
  • provide wide-ranging, dynamic opportunities to support children’s learning, consolidate and deepen their knowledge and ensure that they all make progress from their starting points to meet the ELGs
  • provide an enabling environment which encourages and celebrates curiosity, questioning, investigation and wondering
  • strives to find opportunities to provide new experiences for children – and so increase cultural capital
  • be language rich- recognising the immense value of books, stories, songs, role play, peer to peer conversations and adult/child interactions
  • ensure mastery of number skills
  • ensure mastery of phonics skills so that children can read 
  • ensure that our children perceive school as a safe, happy and often exciting place

In short, we want our curriculum to encourage independent thinkers and happy learners who thrive in school and reach their full potential whatever their starting point.

At St Bernadette’s we meet the welfare requirements laid down in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and actively safeguard and promote the welfare of all of our children.

Our curriculum is based around themes which are enriched with classroom enhancements, trips and visitors. Themes are supported by quality key texts. These are chosen carefully to encourage children's speech, language and communication development. Whilst we have an overarching plan of themes for the year, all planning is flexible and responsive to children’s needs so plans can be changed and adapted depending on children’s interests and other factors.

Our EYFS indoor and outdoor space is a source of constant reflection and review. We strive to create an enabling environment- where resources are carefully selected and laid out and areas developed to support children in all aspects of their learning. There are lots of opportunities for physical development. Children spend time outdoors in all weathers. They enjoy wonderful, exploratory, sensory experiences using our outdoor area which has a range of equipment- larger static structures such as the climbing frame and balance trail, enhanced by other resources, for example, different construction resources, crates, fabrics.  Activities to develop fine motor skills are part of the children’s daily routine- explicit teaching of how to use different tools and materials builds a repertoire of skills with which they can express themselves creatively. The progression from mark making through letter formation to writing is a source of great excitement! Within our Continuous Provision children develop independence- choosing what they want to do, how they want to do it and who they might want to do it with. In addition, our adults spend time in CP with the children – facilitating play and supporting children to work together, manage their feelings, ask questions and develop language.

We create a ‘language rich’ environment with a focus on oracy. The children enjoy daily songs, rhymes and stories. We prioritise time for quality interactions between children and adults and between peers. Staff interact thoughtfully; talk is positive and progressive- language; vocabulary and structure, is modelled constantly and gently to enable children to gather words at pace. Vocabulary is also taught explicitly using a structured approach- this implicit and explicit approach helps all our children to become confident communicators. 

Children are encouraged to become early readers through the systematic teaching of phonics alongside the enjoyment of books. Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds and Tricky Words and the skills of blending and segmenting are taught daily in a fun, systematic way. Children develop these skills to read words, captions and sentences. They are provided with books to read at home and in the classroom that are closely linked to their phonics learning in class to ensure they build fluency and confidence.

The children develop their mathematical thinking through direct teaching and exploration. We want our children to become confident mathematicians who can apply what they have learnt to real life experiences. Mathematics learning includes the use of songs, games, number characters and interactive display.

Parental engagement is key and a strong partnership between home and school is important. We are warm and welcoming. Parents are informed of what their child is learning each half term and given ideas of how they can support this at home. 

At the end of the year; the EYFS Profile provides an assessment of each child against the Early Learning Goals. These judgements are made on the basis of observations and in-depth knowledge of the children acquired through ongoing assessment. In additional to our baseline assessment, these ongoing assessments are used to inform planning and next steps in teaching and learning for all children throughout the year. The summative EYFS Profile is used to inform parents of progress and to inform the Year 1 teacher about each child’s learning during their Reception year.

Reception Documents


Little Wandle Phonics


Why learning to read is so important

  • Reading is essential for all subject areas and improves life chances.
  • Positive attitudes to reading and choosing to read have academic, social and emotional benefits for children.


How children learn to read

  • Phonics is the only route to decoding.
  • Learning to say the phonic sounds.
  • By blending phonic sounds to read words.
  • Increasing the child’s fluency in reading sounds, words and books.


Reading fully decodable books

  • Children must read books consistent with their phonic knowledge.
  • It is essential not to use other strategies to work out words (including guessing words, deducing meaning from pictures, grammar, context clues or whole word recognition).  
  • Books must be fully decodable and follow the Little Wandle scheme
  • Children need to read books in a progressive sequence until they can decode unfamiliar words confidently.


The role of Parents’ and Carers’ 

  • Have a positive impact on their child’s reading.
  • Should model the importance of reading practice to develop fluency.
  • Children take home books they have read at school to re-read at home to build fluency.
  • There are two different types of books that pupils bring home: reading practice and books to share for pleasure.
  • Reading at home encourages a love of books, along with developing vocabulary and discussion.
  • Parents should use voices, expression, discuss unfamiliar vocabulary, talk about the pictures, and predict what might happen next.
  • Give positive yet informative feedback in the home reading diary at least 3 times a week


Supporting your child with reading

Although your child will be taught to read at school, you can have a huge impact on their reading journey by continuing their practice at home.

 There are two types of reading book that your child may bring home:

A reading practice book.

This will be at the correct phonic stage for your child. They should be able to read this fluently and independently.

 A sharing book.  Your child will not be able to read this on their own. This book is for you both to read and enjoy together.


Reading practice book

This book has been carefully matched to your child’s current reading level. If your child is reading it with little help, please don’t worry that it’s too easy – your child needs to develop fluency and confidence in reading.

Listen to them read the book. Remember to give them lots of praise – celebrate their success! If they can’t read a word, read it to them. After they have finished, talk about the book together.


Sharing book

In order to encourage your child to become a lifelong reader, it is important that they learn to read for pleasure. The sharing book is a book they have chosen for you to enjoy together.

Please remember that you shouldn’t expect your child to read this alone. Read it to or with them. Discuss the pictures, enjoy the story, predict what might happen next, use different voices for the characters, explore the facts in a non-fiction book. The main thing is that you have fun!


Programme Overview


Phase 2 sounds taught in Reception Autumn 1

This Phase 2 sounds taught in Reception Autumn 1 video is designed to be shared with families by schools using Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised.

Phase 2 sounds taught in Reception Autumn 2

This Phase 2 sounds taught in Reception Autumn 2 video is designed to be shared with families to help them to support learning at home.

Phase 3 sounds taught in Reception Spring 1

This Phase 3 sounds taught in Reception Spring 1 video is designed to be shared with families to help them support the learning at home.

How we teach blending

This How we teach blending video is designed to be shared with families by schools using Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised.

A quick guide to alien words

This Alien words video is designed to be shared with families by schools using the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised complete phonics programme.

How we teach tricky words

This Explanation of tricky words video is designed to be shared with families by schools using the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised complete phonics scheme.

Resources for Home

Handwriting and Pronunciation

Reception 2024-2025

Take a look at our photos from our school trip...


What a wonderful, relaxing day we had in support of Children's Mental Health Week! To help the children understand how important it is to look after yourself, we gave them a pampering and nibbles morning. They each had their own foot spa, cucumber for their eyes and a glass of orange juice. We gave them foot massages with cream, hand massages and painted nails. They had nibbles of cucumber, tomatoes, oranges, breadsticks, cakes and chocolates. We all enjoyed slowing down and enjoying the soft music and quiet time. 









































In our RE lesson, we heard the story of Jesus feeding 5000 people using only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. We made our own fish to represent us being followers of Jesus. Fr David joined us for our lesson and blessed our own fish and bread before we ate it.  
















Over the week we have been celebrating Lunar New Year in class. We read the story The Great Race, explored Chinese numbers by going on a number hunt, making them with playdough and practiced painting the numbers. We made Chinese Lanterns, learning that the red symbolises good luck and brings happiness into homes. We handpainted a dragon and made dragon faces out of boxes and craft materials ready for our dragon dance in the hall where the children explored making music to go with the dance using drums and cymbals. The children loved trying different types of food including, spring rolls, rice, noodles and curries.  

Reception have been working hard in maths - finding different ways of making 5. We have explored the part whole model and use five frames to find the missing part. Super mathematician work!













In outdoor learning the children have been making bird feeders to encourage birds into our garden. We have been observing the birds we can see flying around and landing in the trees. We used pine cones, covered them in peanut butter and dipped them in seeds. Some of us planted pumpkin seeds, some of us found worms and some of us enjoyed the muddy puddles and obstacles created around the garden. 



















































The children are very excited when we take part in pen disco each week. Doing this encourages the development of pencil grip and fine motor skill. Each week we focus on different patterns to aid letter formation and to music we create the patterns on paper using different coloured felt tip pens. 











Such a lovely last day we had before we broke up for Christmas. We all had so much fun on the Elf run raising money for Brian House and then we enjoyed a Christmas dinner with all our friends in the hall. It was delicious!




























The children had a great morning catching a bus into Blackpool Town Centre to go to Gruffalo Clubhouse. The children loved meeting the Gruffalo himself, stickman and the witch from Room on the Broom. The children watched the Gruffalo show and got to dance with him before going to explore the amazing play area based on Julia Donaldson's famous books. 

We had a great afternoon walking to Moor Park Library and visiting Adele the librarian. She made us feel very welcome and let us all choose a book to bring back to school. Adele then read a story to us. We can't wait to go back again. 














We love our Tuesday outdoor learning afternoons. This week the children were building dens, making ponds and getting creative in the mud kitchen. 
























The school had a special visit from an Olympian Athlete - James Dasaolu. He delivered a whole school assembly about his career and took questions from the children. The children then went outside and took part in a fitness circuit session with James himself. All the children joined in and had a wonderful afternoon - it certainly inspired some of the children who said they wanted to have a gold medal one day.  











The children explored Diwali - the festival of light. 


















































For Remembrance  Day 2024, the children heard and learnt a poem called Poppy Poppy. Over the poem the children used watercolours to paint Flanders Fields, after learning all about how the poppies grew after the war ended. The children made their own poppy and placed it in the school Prayer garden and had a moment of quiet to think of all those men and women who sadly died. The children were very respectful and showed peace as we placed our poppies in the ground. 

















Remember Remember the 5th of November! The children had a great time exploring fireworks and bonfire night in school. They created their own fireworks using chalks, made rockets out of 2D shapes and we made an edible sparkler. The children dipped a breadstick in chocolate, covered it in sprinklers and took it into our outdoor learning session. We talked about the safety of sparklers and how to hold them safely before eating them. 





































We took advantage of the school being at church and we went on a number hunt around school, going in the other classrooms. The children found lots of different numbers around the classrooms and found groups of objects, counting them and representing them on their fingers. 




































The children had a great time being bakers, baking butter biscuits. We discussed the importance of hygiene and ensured we washed our hands and we wore aprons to protect our clothing. The children watched as the ingredients were measured out and they each had a turn at kneading them altogether in a bowl. When the ingredients were mixed into a dough they each got a ball of dough to roll out before choosing a cutter of their choice. They each made two biscuits to enjoy and they went down a treat! We can't wait to do more baking together. 


























A snippet of our first week in Reception. The children have enjoyed exploring the classroom and our outdoor area. 





















































Reception 2023-2024

Reception enjoyed a wonderful day out at Bolton Museum made even more special going with their year 6 buddy. 












































































What a superb morning we had for our first sports day. All the children joined in, showed amazing sportsmanship cheering each other on and had the best time showing their parents what they could do. Very proud of you Reception!






















































The reception children had a fabulous morning with Kelly from Hands on Animals. She brought into a collection of her animals for the children to see, stroke, hold and ask questions about. They were very inquisitive and asked many questions and shared facts they knew to Kelly. 

























































































This week in our outdoor learning we became nature detectives. We explored the trees and using our leaf ID sheet could name each of the trees. We used magnifying glasses to examine the leaves closely and see how different each leaf was. We looked at the different barks on trees and made rubbings of these barks, to investigate the types of trees around school. We showed our appreciation for these trees by hugging them. In the school garden, some of us made leaf crowns with the leaves we found, some of us enjoyed leaf printing and were amazed at the marks we were marking. We also enjoyed the mud kitchen, exploring the pond, looking for bugs and making a new pond. 








































To start our seaside theme half term, we went for a walk to the promenade. We walked down Red bank road discussing what we could see, the different shops, they loved seeing the cars and impressed Miss Gooch with their knowledge of naming them. When we arrived at the promenade, the tide was in and the children loved watching the waves, talking about they could see, how far out the sea was. The children then enjoyed a play on the park before having an ice cream together. 


























Following on from our local area walk, the children created their own map of the local area in the school area. Using the pictures we had taken on our walk we ordered the pictures discussing what we saw first and which buildings were next to each other. The children then got busy using the different building resources to create their own buildings - we had the school, houses with flat roofs, houses with triangle roofs, heron spelt out in cubes, church, the police station. The children worked together to create an incredible large map of our area which created so many conversations, questions and discussions. Well done Reception. 



























Minibeast hunting, frog finding, potion making and creating cars, bedrooms and crosses - a busy afternoon over in the school garden. We ended the afternoon with an ice pop sat in the circle talking about what we found and saw. 






































During our RE lessons, we have been learning all about Pentecost. The children heard the story of Jesus sending down the gift of the holy spirit to the apostles. The children made wind sticks outside to represent the wind, they made fire hats to represent the fire and they heard 'Jesus loves you' in many different languages and learnt a song with actions all about Jesus loving us.  

EYFS - Pentecost









As part of our Geography field work learning the children have been exploring our local area  and increasing their knowledge and understanding the world. We discussed the many different buildings we walked past - church, post office, police station, fruit shop, restaurant, pub, fish and chip shop. We looked at the different house - some flat roofs and some triangular shape. We looked at the roundabouts and the road signs we walked past. We used our road safety knowledge we learnt the walk before to ensure we were safe near the roads and when crossing the roads. 











The children had a great afternoon over in the forest school garden. Homes for minibeasts were made and we had fun finding them around the garden. We found the frogs in the pond - 4 in total and enjoyed watching them jump around and hiding from us. Some of us practised our counting skills using natural objects and bugs we could find. We made BBQs, snail trails and chocolate malteser balls in the mud kitchen. 













































The children enjoyed participating in Beep Beep day raising awareness of Road Safety throughout our classroom. We focussed on three main activities: Child seat - the importance of sitting in a car seat with a seat belt, holding hands when walking near roads and crossing roads and crossing the road safely.

Beep Beep day 2024









































































Reception children didn't let the rain dampen their school trip to Wild Discovery Zoo. Luckily we spent the morning inside participating in a range of different activities including making seed bombs, building habitats for an animal, sorting animals into groups and exploring the amazing artefacts! Due to the weather conditions the bird display was cancelled however the children still got to meet a selection of birds and ask questions to their keeper. In the afternoon we got to explore the zoo and see the many species of animals they have from Santiago the sloth, Nawala the crocodile, watch the thousands of ants walk along the rope from one side of the room to the other carrying leaves and twigs. We watched the otters being fed and saw the 9 week old baby Binturong with his mum and dad. A firm favourite from most though was the bat house! The children were a credit to St. Bernadette's and showed impeccable behaviour. Superstars Reception :) 

















































































































The children have been busy painting their mums and Nanas this week, sharing with everyone why they are so special to them. 





















On World Book Day, some children came back to school in their pyjamas to listen to some stories. We had a hot drink and biscuit whilst we got comfortable on the carpet 








World Book Day 2024 saw reception class come dressed as their favourite character to school. We started the day with a parade with the whole school with our families watching. Take a look at our amazing costumes. 













In Drawing Club, we have been reading Handa's Surprise and we followed it up with fruit tasting. The children used their sense of touch, smell, and sight to describe the fruits before tasting them. The children handled child friendly knifes to cut the fruits. All the children tried the fruits and some found that they loved them and wanted to tell their parents/carers to buy them for home.   





































































































This week we heard the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 people with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. The children had a great discussion of why only bread and fish? How did Jesus feed so many people? How did they fill 12 baskets of 'scraps' afterwards? How big is 5000 people? How did the people feel? The children then made their own bread and fish mobiles. We discussed Jesus' followers were fishermen and how fish are a symbol of being a follower of Jesus. 

When the bread had baked we went outside and sat in a circle. We blessed the bread just like Jesus did and thanked God for all the food and gifts he gives to us to eat. The children thoroughly enjoyed trying the bread they had baked and the fish all whilst remembering that Jesus takes care of everyone just like he did when he fed the 5000 people.

Feeding the 5000














































Another wonderful afternoon at forest school and the sun shone for us! It was glorious. The children enjoyed quesadillas cooked over the fire. Some chose to have a go with the flint and steel to make sparks and were amazed when they saw them. Lots of puddle jumping happened, shop making, den building and the boys worked hard breaking up the dead wood. A few worms were found and relocated to a new home and magic potions were being made in the water butt. 

Forest School Week 5


















































This week we have been learning all about Lunar New Year. We read the book The Great Race and found out how the Jade Emperor decided to hold a race to help measure time by 13 animals competing. Ask your child which animal of the year they were born in. The children found this out and drew a picture of their year animal. We had a Lunar New Year afternoon of celebrations and made a Chinese lantern - the children were patient, resilience  and showed perseverance cutting, sticking and creating their lantern. We went on a Chinese number hunt, created our own dragon and we enjoyed a Chinese Banquet. 

Lunar New Year 2024

























































































































Tuesday 6th February was Safer Internet Day. We looked at technology and how it has changed over the years. In groups the children discussed which ones they recognised from nowadays, from their parents and even their Grandparents had some of the technology still from when they were younger. We sorted the pictures into 4 categories: telephones, music devices, games and computers. The children then had to design a new piece of technology they would like to see in the future. They had to decide what it would be, how it would work and how it would make our lives easier in the future. We had some great ideas from machines you could pop a parcel in to send to someone far away to new mobiles phones just for children's games and a game where you can make it rain when it is sunny and sunny when it is raining!! Very creative and imaginative. 

Reception E-Safety Day



























'Guess what N?' I love forest school, it is the best!!' Reception Child 2024

Another blustery day meant we couldn't light the fire as it wouldn't be safe enough but we still had snack of biscuits and apples and a drink of warm orange juice at the end of the session. 

Mrs Topping read us story all about the wind before we got stuck in to the many different activities around the garden. A firm favourite being jumping in the mud pit. Some children chose to make kites with Mrs Topping, some explored the pond, some enjoyed the den and climbing on top of it. 


Forest School Week 4





































































The muddiest forest school!!
After all the rain we have had, we were expecting mud and forest school was a mud bath!! The children dived into the muddy puddles and even began a new muddy puddle in the den building area! 

We started the session going on a walk looking for sticks in the school grounds before heading into forest school to listen to a story all about the wind. Due to the gust of wind it was unsafe to have a fire and the children made a wind stick to find out which way the wind was blowing from - North, East, South or West. 

We ended the session with a hot chocolate to warm us up and a hose down to clean us up.  

Forest School Week 3























































'The first fall of snow is not an event, it is a MAGICAL event.' 

First snow fall of 2024 and the happiest faces from our reception children. 

It is snowing!











Second week of forest school and the children got to cook their own waffle over the fire and choose a delicious topping of chocolate, strawberry or toffee sauce. Yum yum. With lots of ice around forest school the children enjoyed smashing it up by jumping on it and hitting the frozen pond with sticks.

Forest School Week 2








































The children were excited and very eager to get stuck into their first ever forest school session. We cooked pancakes over the fire and enjoyed a hot chocolate at the end to warm us up. The children explored the garden and made bird feeders with Mrs Topping. Lots of muddy puddle jumping happened, looking at the pond and playing in the den. 

Forest School Week 1








































The children have completed their first whole term at school. We have had a fantastic last week with a visit to the library, lots of Christmas craft and card making. 

Autumn 2 Week 8!

























































We loved taking part in the Elf Run to raise money for Brian House. Take a look at the pictures to see how amazing we did. 

We had our last visit from Bailey and Vincent today and we all got to do a Bailey countdown for Bailey to come and take a treat from our knee.

Our first Christmas Dinner at school was lovely. We had party hats, music and a delicious meal.  

Elf run and Christmas Dinner 2023
























































Our week started with a visit from Bailey and Vincent and also ended with story time with them too. During the week we have been making lots of different crafts from sewing stockings to decorating pictures and making festive pompoms. The children enjoyed a festive morning with their Year 6 buddy in the school hall. They made a Christmas decoration where lots of glitter was used and then had a mini tea party before enjoying Christmas dancing. The reception children had a wonderful time and love spending time with their buddies. 

Autumn 2 Week 7


















































































Wow wow wow!!! Reception were AMAZING in their first school nativity. The courage, bravery and enthusiasm the children showed in each performance as well as the practices was incredible. Each one of them got on the stage and shone like the bright star they all are. Well done Reception - you are superstars :) 

The Nativity 2023












This week we talked about advent and what it means for us as we prepare for the arrival of Jesus. The children made their own advent promise and hung them on our school Christmas tree in the hall.

In Maths we are been focussing on numbers up to 5 and using the part part whole model. Amazing writing in phonics writing words with s endings and of course we have had nativity practice and the children are so excited to perform for their friends and family.  

Autumn 2 Week 6















With Nativity practice in full swing and lots of festive cheer happening in Reception class we are all super excited for Christmas. We have been working hard on recognising and reading tricky words...they can't trick us and some of us even had a go at writing them! With the frosty weather making an appearance the children were investigating the ice. Lots of discussion of what will happen to the ice when it melts? How can we get it to melt?  Where is the best place to put it to make it melt faster? They collected the ice in pans and tubs and found a sunny spot on the main playground and waited for the sun to melt it. 

Autumn 2 Week 5























































































This week we have started our Nativity practice...the children have enjoyed learning the songs and getting into the different roles. In Maths we have been focussing on representing and subitising numbers up to 5. We have discussed making the numbers in different ways. Ask us how we make 5? The children have enjoyed finding out about the people who help us and they took their learning outside. They created a fire (chalking on the walls), dressed up as firefighters and paramedics to help those who were hurt. We got the hosepipe out and they put the fire out. Super helpful children :) 

Autumn 2 Week 4





































































What a busy week we have had in Reception class. Starting with 'Odd Socks Day' on Monday. Our first class mass with Father David with amazing reading and beautiful singing. A new friend starting in our class who has settled in so well. PE with coach Gaz, where he helped us with our football skills using 'penguin' feet and ending with toasting marshmallows on the campfire with Mrs Topping and having a hot chocolate. The children said it was the 'BEST DAY EVER.' They were so eager to get stuck into forest school and we can't wait to go after Christmas and properly explore. 

Autumn 2 Week 3































































































In maths this week we have been focusing on positional language and shape. We used the dolls house to describe the position of the dolls and the different furniture. We went on a shape hunt outside looking for different shapes and then we practised drawing the shapes with chalk on the floor. Bailey visited us and put on a show jumping up to pop the bubbles Vincent blew for her. She listened to some children read and was impressed with the children's storytelling. The children helped prepare the prayer garden ready for the whole school to plant their poppies on Remembrance Day. They put their gardening gloves on and collected all the wet leaves putting them in our compost bin. All the children made a poppy using red leaves (collected by the children at home, thank you) and cardboard cut out shapes. We went to the whole school remembrance service and the children had impeccable behaviour and showed respect to our visitors. 

This week the children have been interested in building campfires and 'toasting' marshmallows. We hope to bring it to life for them next week. 

Autumn 2 Week 2













































































































































First week of Autumn 2 and after the half term break the children got stuck back into reception life. Our story of the week was Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson and they were fully immersed into being a witch. They made their own wands, created their own spells and potions and role played the story. In maths we have been looking at shape; naming the shapes, making shape pictures and find sorting them into groups discussing what is the same and what is different about them. They have been busy outside too, building, washing the babies and subitising numbers. 

Autumn 2 Week 1











































We had a fabulous last week of our first half term. Lots of learning in phonics, practising our letter formation and beginning to write words. The children have enjoyed planning, drawing and building with the waffle bricks in our outdoor area. They have been busy building, ships, trains, rockets, houses with roofs and kitchens and bedrooms. Lots of negotiating, team work, communicating and planning went into the building - very impressed. Mrs Walsh very kindly brought in a pumpkin for us - thank you - the children used paints, pastels and chalk to draw the pumpkin with other autumnal objects they could find. We used our senses to describe the pumpkin - what it looks like, what it feels like. Once the children got stuck in looking inside they could smell the pumpkin and hear the squelch sounds as they spooned out the seeds and insides which they then used to make pumpkin soup in our mud kitchen. 

We hope you have enjoyed the snippet of pictures of our first half term. We are excited to see where our adventures will go in Autumn 2.   

Week 7 Reception



























































We had two special visitors on Friday. We were surprised by Vincent and his dog Bailey. Vincent and Bailey read to the children and answered the vast number of questions the children had for them. The children were brave and gave Bailey a treat which she had to collect from their knee. Bailey showed off her jumping skills by popping the bubbles Vincent blew for her and Bailey and Vincent enjoyed talking to the children and showing them their classroom. We  are looking forward to regular visits every Friday after half term.  

Bailey the dog - week 1

















This week we have been reading the story The Gruffalo's child. The child have been role playing the story and getting into character. They have been busy making homes for the characters and retelling the story using the repeated phrases from the story. In maths, the children became human scales; choosing two objects and exploring which was heavier and lighter. We went on an autumn walk, exploring the changes we could observe and we got busy making leaf kebabs which was so much fun. We have been busy in phonics learning more phonemes and practicing our letter formation.  

Week 6 Reception