Academy Consultation

(9am 15/01/24 - 3pm 9/02/24)

The Governors of St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School are working with Lancaster Diocese to fulfil the Bishop's vision for our Catholic schools to work closely together. Catholic Multi Academies are being established across the Diocese to realise this vision and collaborate closely with our Catholic family of schools. The Blessed Edward Bamber Multi Academy Trust was established in 2012 and Catholic schools across Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre are all working together to grow this academy.

The Governors are seeking the views of all stakeholders and a period of consultation will begin at 9am on Monday 15th January and close at 3pm on Friday 9th February. Parents/Carers/Parishioners and staff will receive a letter and information, about multi academy trusts. You are invited to respond to the consultation and how to do this is included in the information that you will be sent. There will also be a parents meeting which you are invited to so that you can find out more about multi academy trusts and there will be the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

The following documents have been sent out for your information along with frequently asked questions. Please contact the school if you require a hard copy of any of the documents. 



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