Year 3 Documents

Useful website links – click the icons to be redirected to the websites

Sooper Books - YouTube

Classbased Education City #parenthub — Sutton School

Spelling Frame - Latest Blogs - St Clement Danes Church of England Primary  School

Little Wandle

Maths Games for KS2: designed by a teacher for teachers - Mathsframe

Prodigy Math Game | Logopedia | Fandom Hit the Button Math: Appstore for Android

Maths Frame – Multiplication Check Quiz

(recommended settings)

Year 3: 2023 - 2024

Maths: Perimeter

In Maths, we have just introduced perimeter. We have been using multi link cubes to help us understand the meaning of perimeter before we have a go at measuring and calculating the perimeter ourselves. 

Y3 Perimeter







Art: Collage

Year 3 have been looking at collages inspired by Henri Matisse. The children used the technique 'Painting with Scissors' to focus on an aspect of a piece of artwork to create their own collage. 

Y3 Collage










World Book Day 2024

Y3 World Book Day 2024



















Stone Age Cave Art

As part of our History topic, Stone Age to Iron Age, Year 3 had a go at creating their own piece of Stone Age art. The children looked at some examples of Stone Age cave art and had a go at trying to create some of the art using chalk and anything they could find outside!

Y3 Stone Age Cave Art


















Fun in the snow

It's not often we get snow in Blackpool so we tried our best to make the most of it!

Y3 Fun in the snow













Bailey's Book Club!

We have loved being able to read to Mr Vincent and Bailey this half term and we can't wait for more books and bubbles!

Year 3 Reading with Bailey















Matilda the Musical workshop

Year 3 really enjoyed their Matilda workshop. This was a fantastic opportunity and they had a brilliant time learning about the West End and all things musical theatre. During the workshop, they used different techniques to create a fantastic short musical piece to the songs from Matilda the Musical.

Year 3 Matilda workshop

















Year 3's Science topic this half term is Rocks. So far, we have used hand lenses to observe and compare different rocks and categorise them into igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic rocks. We then used starbursts to model the Rock Cycle to show help us understand how each type of rock is formed. It was a little bit sticky!

Year 3 Observing rocks























You can see from the children's faces how much they enjoyed their Christmas lunch! The children made their own crowns and placemats, how good do they look?! We thank the kitchen staff for a super Christmas lunch and the Year 6 children for their help. I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you in 2024! 

Y3 Christmas Lunch 2023
































Our little elves enjoyed the Elf Run in support of Trinity Hospice and Brian House. Thank you for all of your kind donations and support!

Y3 Elf run 2023






























We had lots of fun making our Christmas cards and we hope you love them as much as we do! We hope they will be ones that can you can treasure!

Y3 Christmas cards

























In Science this half term, we have been learning about healthy eating and what it means to have a balanced diet. We have looked at the different food groups and discussed why they are important for our body. We then went on to look at the food labels on Miss Paul's shopping!

Y3 Healthy eating























Year 3 enjoyed their first Forest School session of the year (it was lovely weather for it!). On the theme of Halloween the children made some wands and broomsticks... while some decided to get muddy. Take a look.

Y3 Forest School 1



























What an amazing collection of work Year 3 have presented to each other! It was lovely to see such a high level of creativity and commitment from the children. The Victorian Sponge was clearly a popular choice (all the cakes looked amazing!), along with some very creative skeletons! We even had a model Victorian house! Well done to all the children for completing their projects.

Autumn 1 Mini Projects Y3


















In Art this half term, we are learning about William Morris and using his designs as inspiration for our own printed pieces. This week we have had a practise at using the technique. We carved the polystyrene tiles to create an impression, then used a roller to paint our tile and had a go at printing them onto card to create a repeating pattern. 

Y3 Printing23
































As part of our Science topic, Animals including Humans, we have been learning about the human skeleton and its importance. We have labelled the different parts and identified their different functions and have learnt how the bicep and tricep muscles relax and contract to help us move our arms. We even made a model to help us understand. Take a look! 

Y3 Skeletons and Muscles






















In our Maths lessons we have been looking at the place value of numbers up to 1000. We have used lots of different ways of representing these numbers and had lots of fun doing so!

Y3 maths




















Year 3: 2022 - 2023

Summer Term

Summer's Mini-Projects

Check out this term's amazing pieces of work for the Summer Term's mini-projects. Children have clearly worked hard on their pieces of work, with Roman swords and shields be a rather popular choice. It was also lovely to see some many family members turn up to view all of the children's work.




























Ribchester Roman Museum

Well, what a day we have had! The children were incredibly excited and inquisitive at the museum as our highly knowledgeable curator talked about the Romans, Ribchester and showcased some of the weapons and armour used by the Romans. Check out the images below to get a taste of some of the things Year 3 got up to!

Ribchester 2023












































Sports Day 2023 - A Year 3 perspective

Sponsored Fitness Circuit: Stuart Robinson

The whole school got to take part in a fitness challenged led by Stuart which was then followed up with an assembly and well-being, proactivity and sports. Stuart even shared some clips of wheelchair rugby. 
























Spring Term


Art: Henri Matisse inspired collages

Check out our Henri Matisse inspired collages! We have learnt about how to make different shapes from paper, using Henri Matisse's method of work. Can you find any of the shapes in some of the pieces of work:

- geometric shapes            - positive shapes

- negative shapes              - natural shapes

- stylised shapes
































Spring 2: Mini-Projects

Check out some of the amazing creations from this half term's Mini-Projects homework. The children were keen to show off their pieces: 'Easter in a Box', an Easter wreath, Stone Age inspired cookies, collages on a theme and even some French labelling activities.




























Sing it, Hosanna!

Here is a recording of Sing it, Hosanna from our Palm Sunday Assembly to start of the events of Holy Week,

Flower Bed: Forest School

A huge thank you to the boys who volunteered to work with Grandad Dave to build this raised flower beg for outside Year 3. Cutting, measuring, sawing, hammering and using power tools. Great Job boys!

 Seeds have been sowed and now we wait.









Photograph Frames

We hope you enjoy the photograph frames the children have brought home. They have taken a lot of care to measure, cut, construct and paint their photograph frames.












Art: Collages

Our first collage attempts! Year 3 were challenged to create an animal collage using off-cuts of paper. They had to think about shape, size, colour, over-lapping and layering pieces of paper without drawing the shapes they wanted. Check out our pieces below.
































Check out Year 3's magazine covers from our Digital Media unit in Computing. The children have applied all their skills from this unit to create these amazing and eye-catching covers. 

Skills applied: editing templates (placeholders and colour), inserting texts and images, editing text (font, size, orientation and colour) and editing images (size, orientation and cropping).

















Non-Fiction: Discussion

One of our English units this half-term has been based on discussions. In class we have learnt about the features of a discussion text, identified points for and against a discussion point, as well as using supporting statements and logical connective phrases and words to develop reasons. We have discussed:

- Should children be allowed to set their own bedtime?

- Is it better to be an adult or a child?

- Should children have to wear a uniform for school?







Spring 1:Mini-Projects

Check out this half-term's Mini-Projections from the class. We have had a beautiful collection of volcanoes and fossils made by some children to link into their Science, as well as some structures for Design & Technology and biomes in a box for our Geography unit!



































PE: Circuits & Gymnastics

In P.E we have been developing our fitness, stamina, balance and agility through Circuits and Gymnastics (shapes). Circuits has been a big hit with setting personal goals, learning to pace ourselves and explore what our bodies can do. In gymnastics we have been looking at shapes and balances and applying these on balance beams, in symmetrical balances and on the much loved climbing frames. Check out this athletic lot below.










Maths: Unit Fractions

This week we have been learning about fractions. We started by learning to represent fractions using 2-sided counters and now we have moved on to finding fractions of an amount. Here you can see some children's work on finding a unit fraction (where the numerator is 1) of an amount using counters. The children had to split the whole (in this case, the quantity) into equal groups and 1/? of the whole.

Computing: Digital Media

Children have been learning about the digital media in Computing. We have looked at the use of images and texts in digital media and have had our first attempt in editing a template for a purpose. In our first attempt at editing media, we have practised editing text, font, colour, font size and background. With a little independent exploration of Adobe Express, some children were even able to change the image or add other images.

Yr3:Digital Media













Design & Technology: Structures

We have been looking at what makes a free standing structure stand and what makes it stable. The children compared a variety of free-standing structures in class (chairs, stools, tables, stands) before having a go at making their own free-standing structure.








3D Shapes: Construction and Properties

Which 3D shapes can you construct? Can you identify the properties of these 3D shapes? Well, Year 3 displayed some masterful skills and knowledge when constructing 3D shapes using wooden skewers, toothpicks and playdough. Children successfully built their 3D shapes and identified the number of faces, edges and vertices for each shape. We even had some smart construction ideas for creating cones and octahedrons!



























Autumn Term

Elf Run 2022!!!

Check out some of the action shots from today's Elf Run!




























Autumn 2: Mini-Projects

Another collection of amazing mini-projects by the multi-talented Year 3 Class! Check out the range of healthy lunches designed and prepared by children, the beautiful abundance of home-made Christmas Wreaths and the multitude of posters about healthy life styles, sports, the outdoors and famous sports people.











































Today, Year 3 have learnt about the tradition and symbolism behind Christingles before having a go at following some instructions to create their own to take home. The children were keen to learn more and had some interesting questions like "Why is an orange used?", "Why are Christingles made with food?" and "Why are Christingle services held from the start of Advent through to Candlemas?" (November - February).

Check out our Christingles below.












Computing: Animations

We are animators! Today the children spent the afternoon working on their animations for Computing. This was an exciting session with it being a new unit of work for the school and the children could create and regularly watch their animations coming to life. A lot of resilience and patience was required in this session but their effort have paid off! Below, you can see the animations completed so far by the children.

Note: a couple of animations failed to convert. If your child's animation is missing, they will have time to complete them.


Advent 2022

During the season of Advent, our focus in R.E and Prayer and Liturgy will centre around the coming of Jesus and how God prepared the world for His son's birth. In class, we will place symbols on our Jesse Tree to remind us of Jesus' ancestors and events leading up to Jesus' birth.

Year 3 sing 'n' sign "Are You Ready for the Light?"

Chalky Maths

We have been busy in Maths practising our three and four times tables. We have used arrays to represent times table facts to develop our understanding of commutative law and to build a link between multiplication and repeated addition. We have also began to make links between the two and four times tables - double and double again!



















Forest School: Autumn 2

Here you can find a collection of photographs to showcase the fun, activities and mud of Forest School this half term. Throughout this half term, children will be gardening, den building, cooking and will be simply exploring and enjoying the outdoor environment.















































Mini-Beasts 4 All – Guest Visit

As part of our learning in Science, Year 3 were treated to a special visit from John from minibeasts4all. John taught us about different types of skeletons, their functions and some adaptations related to each of the creatures he had brought in to show us.

The children were eager to interact with the animals  with some plucking up the courage to offer to handle the amazing creatures. Mr. H took a while to recover from the visit but the children thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Specimens included: Madagascar Hissing Cockroach, millipedes, a stick insect, a tarantula, a royal python, a stag beetle and a giant (African?) snail!









Autumn 1: Mini-Projects

Well, what an amazing collection of work Year 3 have presented to each other. It was lovely to see such a high level of creativity and commitment from the children. The Victorian Sponge was clearly a popular choice (all the cakes looked amazing!), along with many interesting facts about Queen Victoria and a couple of well-planned family trees. We even had 2 marionette model skeletons with labels, a few model homes and a Punch and Judy set! Well done to all the children for completing their projects.

Y3 Autumn 1 Projects 2022







































We were even treated to a short recording of a Punch and Judy show!

English: Marcus Rashford

Year 3 are getting ready for writing a short biography on Marcus Rashford. Before they can begin their writing, they have had to spend some time researching about Marcus Rashford in preparation for their writing. The children have found a lot of information about Marcus Rashford and will soon be presenting their biographies.

Biographies will be uploaded soon.

Yr3: Marcus Rashford 2022/23





Art: William Morris – Printing

Linking to our History unit on the Victorian Era, Year 3 have been learning about William Morris and his printing technique. They have explored some of Morris’ designs and used his work as inspiration to create their sample pieces of wall paper using his method.


















Here is a set of images from a first attempt using their first initial to create their print.

HSBC Banking Visit

Key Stage 2 classes at St. Bernadette’s were treated to a visit from Denise from the bank HSBC. She taught the class about spending methods, what it means to use debit and credit card as well as tips for smart spendings. The class even got to handle a variety of old and new notes. Mr. H had even brought in some currency from another country and some old coins from the early 1900s.

Yr3:HSBC Banking













P.E. – Gymnastics

Here we are showing of our balancing skills. We have been learning about different forms of movement and balances to incorporate into a sequence of steps for a short performance.

Wellbeing Yoga

Today, Year 3 took part in a Wellbeing Yoga session. The children learnt ways to release stress and some simple techniques to help them calm their bodies and their minds.


Maths: place Value

Year 3 have been developing and securing their Place Value knowledge in Maths since their return to school. They have been using place value counters to help them work out the value of digits in 3-digit numbers, 1, 10 and 100 more / less than a given number as well as compare and order numbers. 

We have had an amazing start to the year!


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